Where to start…


Taking an interesting topic and following it through to see where the science leads.


Here I will read through popular science books and give you my opinion just like any book review except better because it is about science. 


Looking at how science is conveyed by the media, whether it is good bad or just plain amusing. 

Science in Focus

Indulge me in my passion for science.

Taking an interesting topic and following it through to see where the science leads.


Multiseriate Medullary Rays in Woody Dicot Stem of Liriodendron
The Basics: Cells  Just as atoms can be described as the building blocks of chemistry, cells could be referred to as the building blocks of life, they are certainly the building blocks of complex life. You may think that anything so small could not have much […]
The Basics: Evolution by means of Natural Selection  In the minds of most people Evolution and Charles Darwin will forever go hand in hand, and quite right too, he came up with the idea of evolution by means of natural selection. However, he did not come […]
CRISPR under the microscope –  A Bacterial defence system  This is designed to be an in-depth article for those with some knowledge of CRISPR, if you would like a simple overview or a new to the topic please read The Foundations of CRISPR first.    CRISPR […]

Science Books Reviewed

Have you ever tried to find a good popular science book?

Here I will read through some and give you my opinion just like any book review except better because it is about science.


The short version  Bringing Back the Beavers is a wonderful insight into the fight going on behind the beaver reintroduction headlines in the UK. Derek Gow has devoted his life to this cause and will take you with him on his personal journey. The writing is not […]
The Remarkable Life of the Skin: An Intimate Journey Across Our Surface – Monty Lyman     The short version  I thought I was picking up a book about skin. I thought I would learn all about how it works on cellular level or by taking one […]
Books to review When I am standing in front of the science section of the bookshop I always struggle to work out which popular science book to read next. I find I just don’t have enough information. Firstly, does the book sound interesting? Who wrote it? […]

Science in the News

Looking at the way science is portrayed in the media, whether this is good bad or just plain amusing. 


Science on the Radio   I know it does not seem like the trendiest thing to like but really enjoy listening to the radio, especially talking radio. I started on BBC Radio Four in my early teens and have never stopped listening. I love how easy it […]
COVID-19 has made epidemiologists and virologists of us all! Actually, there are two main reason that I have resisted adding my two pence's worth. Firstly, there is so much information out there about it that I feel like I would be just needlessly adding to it. Secondly, does anyone care what I think? Now from my perspective as someone trained in molecular biology, I feel I should know more about this than the average person, but I realise I know a lot less someone specifically trained for this. But is there anyone who has trained for this?
How science is covered in the news is very important. The majority of people are only exposed to science when it hits the headlines. It is a form of scientific out-reach. Even if you consider yourself to be scientifically literate, the chances are that you pick up new developments from a news outlet, be that catching it on TV, a national paper or a specialised scientific magazine. Now I am not a journalist, and I am not going to demonise how journalists report the science. They have their own pressures and demands which as a non-journalist I cannot appreciate, but that doesn’t stop me considering the repercussions of their work.