
Science on the Radio


I know it does not seem like the trendiest thing to like but really enjoy listening to the radio, especially talking radio. I started on BBC Radio Four in my early teens and have never stopped listening. I love how easy it is to access and the BBC puts out a wealth of fascinating radio shows for free. Now I am aware that there are loads of scientific podcasts around but I want to share some of the amazing science based programmes I have enjoyed from my favourite station, BBC Radio 4. Hopefully introduce you to something new for you to enjoy. 


Infinite Monkey Cage

Hosted by Professor Brian Cox and Robin Ince this a panel show about science. Each week focuses on a different subject and the panel is made up of two scientists from the field in question and a comedian. The concept may be simple but the chemistry between the hosts make it work and you end up with a humorous but enlightening half hour each time (45 mins if you catch the podcast). As a taster some of the interesting topics they have covered include: Is it cruel to cage monkeys in an infinite cage? Are strawberries alive? And most recently, have UFOs visited earth? 


The Life Scientific

Ever thought that scientists should get more attention? That our society is so heavily biased towards the arts (in the media) that we don’t hear enough stories about scientist that just plug away at their work. Let’s be honest there not many people will win a Nobel Prize, have a biography written about them or even have a major breakthrough in their chosen field that attracts major news coverage. This shows fills that void. Sit down and listen for half an hour to a top scientist in their field talk about their life, career and research. 


More or Less 

I love this show. Yes, it is about statistics but I will rave about this show to everyone and anyone and today that anyone is you. Now even if you groaned at the thought of statistic being anything other than boring then I you urge you to give this ago. Most people don’t like statistics because it seems like you can use them to support any argument you have. How many times have we heard politicians using them in a debate to support completely contradictory arguments? This programme is designed for those exact scenarios. It rehabilitates statistics if you like. Loyal listeners (people) write in with questions about the statistics in the news that week and Tim Harford and his team break them down and analyse what the statistic is actually saying. Spoiler alert: more often than not that attention-grabbing headline statistic that goes against the grain has been abused, taken out of context or misunderstood. 


Inside Science

This is a great show to get your science news from. It covers a couple of stores over each half hour show and focuses on delving into the science behind the news headlines. I feel that it assumes no prior knowledge making it an easy way of keeping up with news from disciplines you aren’t as familiar with. Always a great way of keeping up-to-date. 


Inside Health 

As the name suggests this programme has a very similar format to Inside Science. The major difference is that the focus is on health rather than general science. I get the feeling that this programme was created in order to free up Inside Science to cover topics other than health all the time. According to the website it is a “Series that demystifies health issues, separating fact from fiction and bringing clarity to conflicting health advice.” Now that is a programme worth listening to in my book. 


Costing the Earth 

Climate change! Yes, this is a programme that focuses on the environment. I have to say that sometimes I am a little guilty of not wanting to listen to this programme, some days feel hard enough without listening to how the planet is doomed. Except that is not at all the how the programme comes across. The people interviewed about the topic are the ones doing the research and working towards changing things. It focuses on the optimism over overcoming the challenges rather than being a doomsayer. Let’s be honest it wouldn’t have survived 13 years on the radio if it wasn’t a good show.  


This is a list of top science programmes that I have enjoyed (It would be a much longer list if I covered the non-science ones). I have focused on ones that are still being made and if you have any recommendations of new ones then feel free to suggest them in the comments. I always look forward to discovering new shows.   


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